Planet Inspired: Water, The Fight Against Wasting “Blue Gold” Begins With Agriculture

70-80% of water resources used by humans goes to agricultural irrigation: it takes 500 liters of water to produce one kilo of wheat

The growing demand for water is closely linked to the continuous increase in food production, and water pollution that renders enormous amounts of water unsuitable even for industrial uses. But the way to reduce our “water footprint” exists, starting from reducing the amount of fresh water taken from the natural cycle.
There are 7 billion of us on Earth today. If we continue at this rate of growth, in 2050, there will be 9 billion people on our planet. To provide everyone with drinking water and food, we will also need 70% more water resources than currently used.

Water is already scarce today, as we are reminded by the United Nations Environmental Programme (Unep) report, written in cooperation with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI): “Currently, 1.6 billion people live in areas of physical water scarcity and this could easily grow to 2 billion soon if we stay on the present course. With the same practices, increased urbanization and changing dietary patterns, the amount of water required for agriculture in terms of evapotranspiration would increase from 7,130 km3 today to 70-90% more (which is between 12,050 and 13,500 km3) to feed 9 billion people by 2050.

Globally, human beings use 54% of all accessible freshwater, of which 70-80% is used for irrigation (source: UNESCO-WWAP 2003; UNESCO, 2009). Despite this, more than 1 billion people do not have access to drinkable water and half of the world’s population live in countries where aquifer levels are dropping and the aquifers are running dry.

In addition to the problems of local and regional water shortage, there is water pollution that renders enormous amounts of water unsuitable even for industrial uses. Every day, 2,000,000 tons of human waste are dumped into waterways and, in developing countries, up to 70% of industrial wastewater is disposed of directly into the sea and rivers without treatment.

As of today, 41% of the world’s population live in environments characterized by “severe water stress,” that indicates the absence of sufficient water to meet agricultural, industrial and domestic needs (source: World Resources Institute, 2000). According to FAO projections, it is predicted that this percentage will rise to two thirds of the world’s population by 2025.
To quantify agriculture’s impact on water consumption, just think that it takes 500 liters of water to obtain 1 kg of wheat, 450 for an ear of corn and 70 for one apple (Unesco IHE data).

“The agricultural sector is therefore facing a challenge without precedent in the story of mankind, and innovation, that includes fertilizers, plays a decisive role because it represents the only possibility for optimizing production in a sustainable manner, reducing waste. Fertilizers in particular, by replenishing nutrients in the soil, help produce food without the need to increase the acreage of farmlands, with considerable water savings in terms of irrigation,” states Francesco Caterini, president of Assofertilizzanti.

But there is also another way of reducing water consumption. Mutti, a manufacturer of tomato concentrate, purée and pulp, is the first company in Italy, and among a few in the world, to have calculated the amount of water consumed in its production, from growing the tomatoes to the finished product, availing itself of the scientific assistance of theWWF and the Department for Innovation in Biological, Agri-Food and Forestry Systems at the Università della Tuscia (Viterbo).

“Mutti is a virtuous case because it is one of the first companies in the world to quantify, with the official Water Footprint Network methodology, a concrete reduction target, measurable and challenging, ” said Stuart Orr, Freshwater Manager of WWF International. “It is an innovative project that has made it possible to identify more efficient solutions, actively involving the agricultural chain in virtuous processes for the environment.”

This experimental project, based on the effective calculation of the entire production chain’s water footprint, examined the amount of water stored in each product. Given that 83% of the company’s water footprint comes from growing the tomatoes, Mutti focused most of its attention on farmers, with a campaign for increasing awareness and support for rationalizing the use of water resources in agriculture.
Mutti has committed itself to working towards reducing the two main components of its water footprint, the blue one relative to the amount of freshwater taken from the natural cycle for agriculture or industrial purposes, and the gray one relative to the amount of water polluted.

Source: Planet Inspired

Illness Insurance Policies: A Brief Preview

Insurance policies offering coverage against physical ailments are multiple in the market. Depending on the kind of financial coverage one is looking for, they can be sought to ensure that you’re given protection against all sorts of feared expenses. Illness insurance policies are of multiple types, based on the kind of coverage they offer and the duration for which they insure the policy holders. Since diseases can strike at any point of time, you can suffer from a major illness while you’re outside your country. In that case, a lawyer can help you make the claim even when you fall under a different jurisdiction. Agencies working with all sorts of specialists like immigration lawyer, divorce attorney, personal injury solicitors, etc. can help you raise a claim legally.

The first and the most high-premium insurance policy is the critical illness insurance that offers coverage against the severest diseases possible. The ones that cover two conditions and cover the maximum sum of expense can be sought by people below the age of 69. The policies offer coverage against all the deadly diseases like heart attack, cancer and stroke. Policies with a lower premium rate with coverage for four conditions of heart attack and stroke can be done at the age of 64 and below. Please note that critical insurance plans usually involve a high-paying premium rate because of the huge expense coverage they promise.

The larger is the coverage amount, the more number of conditions the policy covers and the more critical diseases they offer protection against. Some of the critical illness insurance can be applied for before turning 60 so that you can keep your family members of yourself ready for the possible surge of expenses that might come with old age. However, insurance cannot be applied for after you’ve been detected with any of the covered conditions. Childcare is also offered with some of the policies against all the mentioned diseases. Like an immigration lawyer is needed for protection against all sorts of foreign litigation, you’ll need a legal expert to make insurance claims.

One thing about the insurers, regardless of their initial promises is that they scrutinize a lot and try their level best to cut the final figure to the bare minimum amount. To counter this stringency, you need to have ample documents at your disposal to show to prove that the amount of money you claimed is appropriate for the expense you underwent.

Some illness insurance policies are cashless that allow patients to seek medical treatment without paying anything while others require the patient to make out-of-pocket expenses that are later covered through the claim. Dealing with the insurance adjuster is another tricky part that requires the expert assistance of a legal professional because of the negotiation that needs to be done logically. There are multiple law firms that offer legal solutions to insurance policy holders. But, do read the documents offered fully and understand them before you accept them and sign the deal.
Are you looking for extensive information on illness insurance policies and their coverage? We are a law firm offering legal solutions through immigration lawyer , divorce attorneys and family law specialists.

How To Get Rid Of Acidity Problem With Herbal Supplements?

Almost everyone experience acidity problem at some point in their lives. It can be raised in taking extra gulab jamun in a family gathering or a spicy samosa during coffee break. Whatsoever the reason may be, acidity can be really an uncomfortable experience, and sometimes, you have to take the help of antacid for getting rid of the painful situation. But now, you can avoid the situation with the help of herbal supplements for acidity problem.

Have a close look on some effective herbal remedies to cure the problem of acidity.

Herbal remedies to get rid of acidity problem

1. Take a cup of water and boil it well. Then add one teaspoon aniseed to it. Cover the mixture up and leave it for overnight. In the next morning, strain the water and add one teaspoon of honey in it. Consume it regularly at least thrice per day. In addition, consume Herbozyme capsule which is one of the effective herbal supplements for acidity problem is another option for getting relief from acidity.

2. Take a cardamom and a clove. Crush it well and chew it after every meal. It is too much effective to lessen the problem of acidity and it also provides relief from bad breath.

3. Take half liter of water and add one teaspoonful of caraway seeds in the water. Now, boil the water and simmer for about 20 minutes. Sip it warm at least 2 or 3 times every day on a regular basis. It offers relief from acidity. Herbozyme capsules also offers good result in curing the problem of acidity.

4. Pineapple plants have enzymes which break down proteins and too much efficient to cure acidity problem.

5. Chewing gum is another quick remedy for acid reflux. It increases saliva output which acts as a natural antacid. People can take the help of herbal supplements for acidity problem.

6. Fruits such as bananas, pineapple, figs, apples, papaya are beneficial in acidity. Additionally, nutmeg, mace, cabbage, carrots are also good for reducing acidity.

7. Chewing menthe piperita can provide relief from heartburn, chemical action, cramps and bloating. Apart from this, people also consume Herbozyme capsules to get relief from the problem of acidity.

8. Aloe Vera has the efficacy in reducing the problem of acidity. Take two ounces of water and add one ounce of Aloe Vera juice in it. Mix them well and drink it daily to get relief from the symptoms of acid.

9. The herbal tea made from different effective herbs trim down the possibility of acidity in the stomach. On the other hand, sulfurous reflexive can be reduced by adding anise oil to tea. These are effective herbal supplements for acidity problem.

10. Pudina or mint leaves have amazing properties which is can cure the problem of acidity.

It lowers the acid content of the stomach and improves the digestion. Plus it provides cool effects to reduce the pain and burning sensation related with acid reflux. If you feel an attack coming, chop some mint leaves, add them to a pot of boiling water and drink the water after it cools. In addition, individuals may consume Herbozyme capsules to prevent acidity.

Cut down spicy and junk food from diet, do regular exercise and live healthy life to avoid the problem of acidity. Otherwise, acidity may be a chronic disease in future.

Top Rated Herbal Remedies For Weak Eyesight Problem

The human eyes generally work like a camera. They pay attention to the light from the external sources on the retina. Different organs present in the eyes like the nerves, pupil and lens work in coordination with each other for creating an image. When this co-ordination is missing or when any of these parts do not function, weak eyesight problem occurs. Even though, people know that herbal remedies are available for different health issues, they have a doubt whether there are herbal remedies for weak eyesight. Yes, like other disorders in the human body, there are herbal remedies that can help in improving vision to a great extent.

Causes of weak eyesight:

There will be reduction in the quality of vision in some people due to any of the following reasons:

1. Health issues like diabetes that can weaken the nerves in and around the eyes

2. For those with conditions like glaucoma, cataract and astigmatism, there will be poor vision issue

3. Refractive errors can cause vision problems

4. Nearsightedness or myopia, wherein people will have difficulty in viewing items at far distance

5. Long sightedness or hypermetropia, where people will have difficulty in viewing items located close to them.

Symptoms of weak eyesight:

Here are the symptoms that indicate that this is the time for people to go for herbal remedies for weak eyesight:

1. Partial blindness

2. Inability to read with perfection

3. Redness of eyes with pain

4. Watering of eyes frequently

5. Difficulty in doing minute works like sewing and stitching

6. Strain to eyes when reading for a long time

7. Blurred vision.

It is true that not only people facing this condition, but also those interested in improving their vision can rely on these safe remedies called as I-Lite capsules.

What makes I-Lite capsules effective?

These capsules are made effective mainly because of the ingredients present and here are the details in this regard:

Haritaki: Generally, herbalists suggest that the powdered form of haritaki can be highly helpful in improving vision. When it is used for washing eyes, it can provide the right kind of relief to eye infections. Due to these properties of haritaki it is added as an important ingredient in I-lite capsules.

Amla: It is generally suggested that when amla is consumed regularly, an individual can ensure utmost health to the skin and eyes. This fruit is rich in vitamin C content and it can fight against age related issues. This means that when the vision of an individual decreases due to age it will be rightly addressed by amla present in herbal remedies for weak eyesight.

Shatavari: Shatavari can provide rejuvenation to the entire body and it is of course true for the eyes as well. This ingredient present in I-lite capsules can improve eyesight to a great extent.

Other ingredients like honey, ghee, pepper, cardomum and ferrum are also present in this capsule, to make it an effective combo for ensuring healthy vision.